Stock Trading Alerts in January-September 2017

Several subscribers and visitors have reached out to me asking to share the historical performance of the stock trading alerts which my system sends. The alerts indicate the entry points with a high probability of growth. Currently, the stock trading alerts system does not suggest specific target prices as well as stop losses. Due to that, it would have been misleading to post here a performance report of some hypothetical stock trading strategy. The system just sends the alert. You decide whether to trade or not and where to put your stops.

In this post, I’d like to share the charts for each alert between the beginning of January and end of September of 2017, so you’ll be able to see stock price behavior before and after the alert. I hope these charts will help you to analyze your stock trading approach and make it more profitable. If you need to do back testing of any particular trading strategy, please take a look at You can order backtesting or request customized alerts according to your own rules there.

Explanation of the charts:

  • On the top, you can see the Symbol, Alert Time, Alert price.
  • The first chart form the top is RSI index.
  • Second, is the price chart of the stock. I decided not to display the price after 3 PM in order to make the charts more readable.
  • The third is the SPY price chart for the same timeframe to give you an idea on the market conditions.
  • And the last one is MACD for the original symbol.

Download the full stock trading alerts summary here.

As you can see, in most of the cases, the system provides alerts just before the price is about to start growing. Clearly, there is a good probability of growth. However, I keep working on ways to improve performance. Currently, I am researching an opportunity to apply Machine Learning to make the quality of trading alerts even better.

You can help me make it better. Feel free to share your ideas or suggestions in the comments below. Also, you can easily reach out to me by replying any e-mail alert.

If you are not subscribed yet – please do. This is an absolutely free service (and no credit card required), you can unsubscribe any time.

Happy Trading!


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